Ensure better contracts in public procurements

Address the challenges of unregulated contracts in public procurements head-on with Prognos. No longer rely on suppliers’ information or irrelevant indexes – utilize your own and sidestep unfair price regulations. Equip yourself with the tools, training, and expertise necessary to negotiate contracts, make informed decisions, and attain fair, market-based prices in all public procurements.

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Prognos Tailored

From our platform Prognos Tailored you can access interactive, continuously updated, reports where you can drill down in your materials, compare the prices to your own cost development, export the graphs, or export the underlying data for further analysis. The reports are customized for you by Prognos, leaving you to focus on the negotiation strategy and not on finding the data.

How we help


Contract Control

Simplify your contract negotiations using customized index baskets tailored to your specific product or procurement category. Incorporating multiple indices ensures a comprehensive and nuanced market perspective. We help formulate index-regulated contracts and framework agreements with prices that are continuously updated based on market trends. Additionally, we assist in crafting agreements for swift review concerning price adjustments.

Should Cost Trackers

Stay updated on key cost changes with our Should Cost Trackers, designed to counter unjustified price hikes and aid in negotiating price reductions. Prognos closely examines your products’ cost structure, delivering tailored reports indexed to all included cost drivers. This provides a comprehensive category overview, supplying data that strengthens contract negotiations with concrete market insights

Selected Indexes

Navigate the expansive universe of market indexes with ease, ensuring fair and relevant index-based suppliers’ price adjustments. With countless indexes available, Prognos simplifies the process by helping you find, understand, and choose the right indexes to give you the upper hand in negotiations where you’re not at the mercy of your suppliers.

Training and Competencies Improvement

Empower your procurement team with essential skills and knowledge through Prognos’ comprehensive training, workshops, expert coaching, and strategic guidance. Acquire the expertise to enhance your purchasing and negotiation strategies, fostering better relations and fair pricing with key suppliers.

Why Prognos?

What you can expect from our services

Expanded bidding pool:

Creating an environment of fairness and competitiveness leads to an influx of bids, offering a diverse range of options for your procurement needs.

Reduced market risks:

The shift away from fixed prices and towards index-regulated contracts substantially decreases exposure to market volatility, providing stability in your procurement efforts.

Transparent pricing

Regularly updating prices presents a clear view of how costs change over time, contributing to improved contract management and more robust supplier relationships.

Streamlined operations:

Simplifying index selection and integrating index regulation directly into contracts removes unnecessary complexity from procurement processes, freeing up valuable time and resources.

Data-driven decisions

Access to a wide range of market indexes and in-depth cost analyses bolsters your negotiation capabilities, empowering your team to secure optimal contract terms.

Enhanced procurement expertise

Through comprehensive training and coaching services, your team gains a deeper understanding of indexes and fine-tunes their negotiation tactics, elevating their overall procurement proficiency.

About Prognos

Ensure better contracts with Prognos

Since 1983, Prognos has been a pillar of support for purchasing organizations, enhancing their negotiation prowess and fostering data-driven decision making. We have served a broad spectrum of public sector entities, spanning municipalities, regions, and public corporations, including but not limited to local administration, social services, healthcare, property management, education, and elder care.

Our services, deeply rooted in the principles of efficiency, transparency, and fairness, are relevant and beneficial to all administrations within municipalities, irrespective of whether their focus lies on services or products. By partnering with Prognos, public sector organizations are equipped to propel their procurement strategies to new heights. Get in touch with us today and experience the transformative impact of Prognos on your procurement processes.

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Loved by businesses and individuals across
the globe

A few days after I received your model I renegotiated the prices with my main supplier. I received a price reduction of 15%, which wouldn’t be possible without this support.

Category Manager

By using Prognos’ Should Cost Tracker I renegotiated 5 frame agreements which led to a 5% cost reduction within my category.

Category Manager

After our previous supplier wouldn’t adjust their prices according to indications from our models from Prognos, we made the decision to look for a new supplier. The funny thing is that the new prices, after the sourcing project, were exactly in line with what Prognos models suggested. This saved us about 20% within this major category.

Purchasing Manager

Team discussions, presentations | Prognos MKA AB

Since 1983 Prognos has supported

Purchasing Organisations

Enabling Better Negotiations

Fact-Based Decision Making

Jacob Mannheimer, CEO | Prognos MKA AB
Jacob Mannheimer

CEO, New Customer Contacts

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