
Latest news from Prognos.

Zinc Prices

Zinc Prices

Zinc is currently traded at around 2800 USD/tonne, compared to 1900 USD/tonne the same period last...

PVC Prices

PVC Prices

Like many other material prices, PVC prices have also been trending upwards during the start of Q2...

Aluminium Prices

Aluminium Prices

Aluminium prices initially declined during 2020, reaching their lowest price point around...

Steel scrap prices

Steel scrap prices

Steel scrap prices initially declined during 2020, reaching their lowest point during Q2. Since...

Polyethylene prices

Polyethylene prices

Polyethylene price notations increased with 10-15% during the first month of 2021, following the...

Labour Cost Indices

Labour Cost Indices

Labour cost indices have been hard to follow during 2020, where labour market measures following...