Zinc Price Index

Zinc price index chart - stay up to date and see historical global zinc price development. Want access to additional data to gain unique insights into zinc rate, indices, prices, forecasts, and production trends worldwide? Gain access to the cost data you need, contact Prognos today.

Zinc Price Index Chart

Price development

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Zinc is a corrosion resistant metal and is often used in die-casting alloys, castings, brass products, sheeting products, chemicals, medicine, paints and batteries. One-third of the produced zinc is used to galvanize other metals such as steel and iron. The price of zinc is controlled mainly by chinese supply and demand, global stocks, US demands as well as input prices.

How can we help?

The Prognos System gathers data from multiple sources to give you up to data in one place. Access the zinc price index charts and cost data you need to stay up to date and gain unique insights into zinc rates, indices, prices, forecasts, and production trends. Prepare your fact-based negotiations with Prognos to get the most out of your suppliers, with data tailored for your specific situation.


Zinc is often used in die-casting alloys, castings, brass products, sheeting products, chemicals, medicine, paints and batteries. Mainly in the form of galvanization, zinc-based alloys and zinc oxide it has applications in the following industries:

  • Automotive & transport
  • Construction
  • Ship-building
  • Manufacturing
  • Household equipment

Zinc Indices - Updates

Zinc Price Development

UVE Zinc not alloyed HS 790111
Decreased by 1.33% in Jun 2024 compared to May 2024.
Increased by 6.37% in Jun 2024 compared to Jun 2023.

LME Zinc SHG 3-months
No change in price in Jul 2024 compared to Jun 2024.
Increased by 16.95% in Jul 2024 compared to Jul 2023.